
Mike Hennigan

Mike Hennigan has served as the lead pastor of Victory Christian Church in Goochland, VA, since 2004. He is passionate about the emotional and spiritual health of church leaders. Mike serves in leadership roles in various church networks and missions organizations. He loves being married to Elizabeth. They have raised four children and love serving the Kingdom of God together. Mike received his undergraduate training at Portland Bible College and a Master of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry at Regent University in Virginia Beach, USA.

Kwaku Frimpong

Kwaku Frimpong has led United Life Chapel as the Senior Minister since 2014. Previously, he served as the Associate Pastor at London Family Centre for ten years. Kwaku has a strong desire to see Christians discipled, equipped, and empowered to do the work of ministry. He is married to Ivy with two beautiful girls who are involved in ministry. Kwaku received his theological education at Regents Theological College and the London School of Theology. Kwaku also holds Post Graduate Certificate in Applied Theology from Chester University, UK.

Gustaf du Plessis

Gustaf is originally from South Africa and arrived in the UK at the end of 2003. He has served the local church as a youth leader, church planter, and associate pastor. He has been a Senior Pastor since 2016 and is currently the leader of Living Stones Church in Birmingham. Gustaf is married to Ruth, and they love serving the local church and spending time together in nature. Gustaf is an ordained minister and has an undergraduate qualification in Christian Missiology from SA Theological Seminary and an MTh in Practical Theology from the University of Wales, Bangor. He is a college facilitator at ForMission College and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Practical Theology through Trinity Bible College and Graduate School, Ellendale, ND.

Roy Varghese

Roy Varghese is from Victory Family Centre, Singapore. He entered into full-time ministry in 1996. He and his wife Leela answered the call as missionaries back in 2000. They came with a team of four and planted the VFC church in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. Since then, he has served as lead Pastor in Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool & Glasgow. Roy serves as the Regional Missions Director of VFC Europe. Roy’s passion is to help believers fulfill their calling, raise the next generation of leaders, and facilitate church planting.